Balenciaga Handbags Information when Shopping for Handbags

Balenciaga Handbags - Balenciaga Handbags are the chic look of today and commonly called celebrity bags. Balenciaga handbags use the best of distressed Italian goat leather to give it that slouchy one of a kind look that everyone loves. The best known Spanish fashion designer, Cristóbal Balenciaga is regarded as the guru of the fashion industry. His classic designs have inspired the fashion industry throughout the twentieth century and continue to exert influence today.

Today the House of Balenciaga is owned by Jacques Bogart S.A. Nicolas Ghesquière has recently taken over as chief designer, re-packaging the classic Balenciaga handbags or Replica Balenciaga Handbags look for today's discriminating woman.

Balenciaga handbags and sometimes Replica Balenciaga handbags leathers are lightweight, durable and unique. The fact is no two bags look identical. These handbags are not only stylish but they are functional as well. They come in a wide range of colors like sky blue, bubblegum pink, navy, pewter, apple green and magenta. They also come in various styles and sizes to meet any need. We will explore a few of these

First (aka: Small, Classique, Le Dix, Lariat)
This Balenciaga handbag is basically flat with rounded edges. It measures 13x2.5x7.5 and has a 18" shoulder strap. This handbag retails in the United States at approximately $995.00 and have a serial code of "103208".

City (aka medium)
This handbag is very roomy and great for everyday use. It measures 15x4x10, and has a 24" shoulder strap. It has a serial code of "115748" and retails for about $1,195.00 US.

Work (aka Office, Large)
Handbags in this style from Balenciaga have the serial code "132110", and retails in the United States for in the $1,275.00 price range. It measures 18x6x12 and is great for transporting files and folder from the work place to home and back.

Weekender (aka Voyage)
Retailing for $1,385.00 and having serial code of "110506" it measures 21x9x15. The size of this bag will allow you to take just about anything you need for that weekend get away.

Handbags in this style have the serial code "128522", and retails approximately at $1095.00 The Purse style measures 16x2x11 and is slightly larger than the Balenciaga City size but slimmer. This bag is a great addition to your next shopping trip.

Handbags in this style have the serial code "145694", and retails approximately US$985.00 The Box style measures 13x6x6.5 this every day style Balenciaga bag is perfect for casual use.

The Twiggy style handbags measure 14.5x6.5x9, with a 23" shoulder strap. It is a bit longer and larger than the Box style. It is a great handbag for casual every day use. Handbags that are in this style have the serial code "128523", and retails for just $1055.00 in the United States.

The styles, looks, and price of the Balenciaga bag is probably one of the reasons it is called the Celebrity bag. Such names as Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Nicky Hilton, Nicole Richie all sing the praises and carry Balenciaga bags - Replica Balenciaga Handbags. This is also causing a huge demand and a long waiting list. Balenciaga does not allow stores to sell their handbags online so if you see an advertisement from a store that says they have them in stock you will need to call them to order. Now you may be able to purchase an authentic Balenciaga bag on eBay but do be careful. The demand is so high that there are many fake or counterfeit items ( Replica Balenciaga Handbags ).

Here is a list of some things to think about and check into when purchasing on e-Bay.

* If a seller is selling multiple identical Balenciaga bags below retail, chances are they are a fake. Again as we stated no two are exactly the same. Replica Balenciaga Handbags
* Balenciaga handbags hold their retail value. Even a used bag will easily command over $700. Remember the saying "If the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is".
* Only the extra tassels that are included with every bag are wrapped in plastic. Nothing else is. The tassels are folded loosely in plastic, not coiled.
* The shoulder straps fold seamlessly over themselves at the ends.
* All o-rings (ie. where the tassels attach) are welded shut into a seamless circle. Many counterfeit bags have a gap in the o-ring.
* Look for the embossed/raised "Lampo" signature on the zippers. Otherwise they are Replica Balenciaga Handbags

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