Just Start Writing!

By: Robert Brady

I have just finished writing three articles on helps for writing an autobiography: Getting Started, Autobiography Characteristics, and the importance of writing your autobiography.

I failed to mention the most important thing: to write.

Just start writing. That's the most important thing.

Your style will improve the more you write.

Put pen to paper.

But I don't know what to write about.

Write about anything:

Your morning routine. Do you always get up on the same side of the bed? Do you have to hit the snooze exactly 3 times every morning?

What's your favorite movie? Why?

Your parents quirky habits.

Bands you have seen in concert. Weird Al? Kenny G? Ozzy? MC Hammer?

Lessons learned. Life's short, do something worthwhile. Work stinks, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Life's a crap sandwich and everyday you have to take a bite.

Your first car. For me, it was a VW Bug. Rust and primer. But the babes loved it.

A life-changing event. How did losing your mother, or you brother, or best friend affect the rest of your life?

Your family vacations. What did you do on the long road trips? Did you play games? Read books? Sing songs?

First kiss. Who was it with? Was it a double dare? Was it a first love?

What you do for a living.

There's a starter list. Get going.

Sadly, a lot of folks don't write because they're embarrassed by their perceived lack of writing skills. They're afraid of the rules.

You have to have rules. If we didn't, no one would write anything that anyone could read. Think of the rules more as guidelines. A map as you will. You know where you're headed. There are a bunch of ways to get there.

Write as if you were talking to a trusted friend. Your personality will shine through.

Can't spell? Don't worry about it. Your computer's spell checker will correct your most blatant errors.

Your first reader is you. Don't be too critical.

You have to be willing to write poorly at first. Nobody spews perfect prose onto the paper. Good writing is struggled over. Great writing is excruciating. Start poorly.

Get lost in the writing, in the ideas, and the experience.

Can't get the juices flowing? Use a list like the one I created above. Soon you'll find something that you can write about.

The important thing is to write.

Article Source: http://www.articleyard.com

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Review our discussion on Starting an Autobiography . Robert Brady's Autobiography Workshop is a motivating resource for writing an autobiography .
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